Rik van der Vossen, University of Pittsburgh, Post #3: Finals week


The weeks here are flying by and next week is actually finals week. That means that last week we had our last lectures of the semester. The semester is a little shorter here than we are used to back in Delft. But that means that after this stressful week I got some time to relax until I have to start my classes in Delft in February.

Since we had to take so many quizzes and hand in homework every week most of our grade has already been determined, and I think I’m in pretty good shape. This makes this last week a little bit more relaxed, but the pressure is still on. People make long days here and the library is open 24 hours. Pulling all-nighters is not for me but you see a lot of people collapsing over their books if you go in there now.

Rik 3rd post

After the last finals on Saturday people start packing immediately. Everybody who lives in the dorms has to leave their room clean and tidy the next day and the University closes until January. I will have a farewell party with all the people I met here and after that I’m on my way to NYC and will travel around a bit before going back to the Netherlands in January. I will write my last post next week to tell you guys how my finals went and what my general impression was about this semester in the US.


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